Film of the day

Lars and the Real Girl
Craig Gillespie

Umm, well, I'm kinda disappointed by this hyped flick everybody was talking about. Basically all the reviews in diverse papers were positive and telling me to get this film, but when finally seeing it I felt more bored than surprised/shocked/interested/whatever. This fim is no masterpiece in my eyes and ears, a rather straight-lined story & definitely no MUST see for someone who doesn't make his money by writing film critics.

Rating: 1/5


maedchen said...

ja das war voll langweilig und hat mich auch enttäuscht... konnte nichteinmal fertigkucken weil es sowas von schlimm war. (passiert mir ganz selten)

clstrfcuk said...

War ausversehen in der Sneakpreview damals,todeslangweilig.